Aidan’s Avengers, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for research programs that focus on Pediatric Brain Tumors held their 3rd Superhero 5k and family festival Saturday in Douglassville.
The organization raised over $15,000 from the annual race which will go to funding cutting edge research programs and local families.
“Understanding the devastating effects of childhood cancer, Aidan’s Avengers strive to raise awareness and funding for research programs that focus on childhood brain cancers and to provide financial peace of mind for families affected by childhood brain cancer.” –
Aidan’s Avengers is a proud member of the DIPG Collaborative. Being a member allows their organization access to a wide variety of resources including a medical review board. Aidan’s Avengers contributes to the programs recommended by the collaborative and also to local families of children currently battling.
About DIPG, Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma is a highly aggressive and difficult to treat brain tumor found at the base of the brain. They are glial tumors, meaning they arise from the brain’s glial tissue, tissue made up of cells that help support and protect the brain’s neurons.