Oley Township

Oley Valley Library continues to grow with community support

The Oley Valley Community library has faced many struggles with funding over the years. Not part of the Berks County library system means the...

Bella Italia, Oley’s Family Friendly Pizzeria

If your not from Oley you may not think much of it, but then you would be missing out on all the great food....

Creative Rock Art Spreads Around Berks County

Kids these days have plenty to do inside, and if you’re a parent you’re all too familiar with the problem of getting your little...

Kids learn about Service Dogs at Oley Valley Library

In its on going event series the Oley Valley Library hosted a special presentation from Denice DeAntonio and her service dog Finley Tuesday night,...

Berks Morns the Loss of Rick Bugera, Oley Fire Fighter & Weatherman

Berks County lost a very special person on Monday, Rick Bugera. Although we here at Reading Magazine did not know him personally, thanks to...