24 Hour Designathon benefits community nonprofits

The 12th annual Kutztown University Designathon kicked off on Friday for Communication Design Students interested in helping the community and challenging their design skills.

124 students volunteered to help 45 local nonprofits with their design needs saving them a collective $174,000 dollars. The event began with students meeting their nonprofit clients and learning about their needs.

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When registering, participating nonprofits are given six design service categories to choose from including branding, web design, brochures, direct mail pieces and posters.

To mix in a little fun working in the long hours of the night coordinators hosted several work breaks to get the teams motivated. During these break students enjoyed everything from Pizza Parties to glow stick dancing.

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Sitting in on the initial presentation by the National Addiction Awareness Complex, founder Lee Clifford briefed students on their design expectations. To call it ambitions would be an understatement.

NAAC, a nonprofit based in Reading is at the initial stages of creating an addiction awareness complex here in Berks County. Before this is build the organization will be purchasing an RV to use as its mobile office.

Students were charged with designing the RV’s wrap graphics, creating illustrations and building a power point. Following the directions of Clifford, the students quick got to work.


After the 24 hours were up each nonprofit was invited back for the closing ceremony and see their finished work. As with past years the students once again surpassed the nonprofits expectations.

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